• Sat. Sep 7th, 2024


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University Of Sussex, NUC kick off five day pedagogy workshop for Nigerian University Lecturers

National Universities Commission (NUC) in collaboration with University of Sussex, United Kingdom has commenced a five day pedagogy workshop for the Nigerian Universities Lecturers in Abuja.

The workshop which had top university lecturers selected based on merit from the various universities across the six geopolitical zones in attendance kicked off on Monday, 17th September to be concluded on Friday.

This workshop is in furtherance to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the NUC and University of Sussex, United Kingdom.

According to the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Baze University, Professor Peter Umoh  who played host to the workshop, while giving an opening remarks on behalf of the Vice Chancellor at the opening ceremony of the workshop “it is indeed a timely intervention on the part of NUC in partnership with University of Sussex in ensuring that Nigerian Universities staff are well trained particularly on pedagogy which forms the essence of their profession as lecturers”.

Umoh, who is also the Dean of Postgraduate School, added that Baze University counted it an honour to be part of such remarkable gesture and collaboration by the NUC and University of Sussex.

Dr Ramon Yusuf, Director of Research at the NUC who was also present at the Opening ceremony added that NUC is currently doing everything within its power to ensure that University system in Nigeria is revamped.

“NUC as a commission is doing everything possible to ensure that University Education is fully revamped

Professor Thomas Simon of University of Sussex at the workshop

and this cannot be done without providing viable platforms such as this for training and re-training of the Universities academic staff” he said.

Professor Thomas Simon, a Professor of Education and Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Sussex, a major facilitator at the 5 day workshop while speaking described Pedagogy as a science of teaching.

“Pedagogy is about how to best deliver in a classroom the teaching materials whether you are a physicist, a chemist, a Historian, a Lawyer etc. It about communicating the best with the students. It is about interacting” he said.

Simon added the essence of this collaboration with NUC is about looking into how best to improve the Nigerian University Staff in their field of teaching by looking into new pedagogy, new technology to facilitate the method of

Dr Olukanni, a Lecturer from the Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria at the workshop

teaching in the Nigerian Universities.

One of the participants, Dr Olukanni, a Professor from the Convenant University, Ota, Ogun State, expressed optimism about the training.

“I really feel ecstatic to be part of this workshop and look forward to learn new concepts and methods to engage my students better.”

All participants shall receive a Certificate of completion at the end of the workshop on Friday, 21st of September 2018.

By News Editor

Our News Editor, Muyiwa is an information management expert and Development Blogger with more than a decade experience in investigative reporting and journalism. He is passionate about human angle stories to all social issues in Nigeria and Africa.

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