Oladotun OF To be who are destined to be in life there are few dos and don’t of life: they are meant to guide you for outstanding success not to…
Excessive sunshine is rather a blessing than a curse as many would view it, particularly in African nations known for peculiar hot weather as a result of steady sunlight which…
World Peace Day was celebrated across the globe on Saturday 21 September, on same day, Westgate Shopping Mall, Nairobi, Kenya came under siege of Somalia’s Al Qaeda-linked Al-Shebab insurgents gunmen.…
So many have been said concerning peace and conflict resolution in the war-torn regions across the world. Peace, according to an old English scholar was defined as ” an absence…
Everyone knows death is inevitable, not even tiniest ant is spared when it comes to the issue of death. It is a debt every living creature hopes to pay someday,…
Nature and natural resources are gifts from God. As humans we are given the responsibility to add value to them not to abuse them. Natural resources that are found beneath…