• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024


We Break the News

When Tyranny Becomes the Order of the Day, Democracy loses its meaning! By Dotun Roy

We are gradually getting to a level where, our dear Naija is becoming ‘bad market’ for her citizens. Yes, bad market!

To be a citizen of this “entrapment” called Nigeria is to risk losing so many opportunities that could boost your career to an enviable height.

The worst of the decisions that are injurious to the growth, development and overall existence of the citizens are being taken as priorities by the few in the elective positions, without proper and wide consultation.

Regard for citizens’ rights suddenly flew out of the window. And it is no longer matters as long as the decisions suit their heinous agenda to rule with iron fist, trashing the revered Democratic tenets that uphold the people as the only source of power!

Even at the port of entry into the worst nations, you woull be given that suspicious look by the immigration police and in most cases put aside for extra thorough body search to the point of rubbishing that ‘little’ human rights and confidence left in you simply because you are caught carrying Green passport.

The question we are yet to find answers to is: are we ‘being ruled’ by a tyrant disguising to be protecting the interests of his people when in actual fact same citizens are being made to suffer untold hardship across board without recourse to the fact they brought the same administration into power.

All avenues to gag and make the vibrant young population useless, unproductive and backwards are being explored by all means.

Freedom of expression which gives true Democracy its meaning has now become a crime.

Our leaders need to ask themselves, what sort of example is Nigeria setting for other African states to emulate?

Is it by clamping down on social media platform that has given young Nigerians massive opportunities to connect with the world and earn a living??

And if I may put it properly, are our leaders truly worthy of emulation themselves to truly reflect that in the way they ‘rule’ the country??

Do they truly practice what they preach?

Do they still allow themselves to be drown in their inordinate desires to retain the power by impoverishing the masses so that they could easily be bought during the elections??

Many of these unanswered questions littered everywhere hence the decisions to keep hacking down all avenues to hold them to account. With that, abusive use of power would be inevitable.

Overnight, the same power that was given to them by same people has become the tool to torment and keep them in perpetual regrets.

Now, everyone is earnestly looking forward to the year 2023 when the power will return temporarily to the people, and be given another chance to choose right however, with the current happenings around country, all seems like a script, written and being played out to abort the only opportunity to return the power to people.

We shall see how it will play out.

©DotunRoy 2021

By News Editor

Our News Editor, Muyiwa is an information management expert and Development Blogger with more than a decade experience in investigative reporting and journalism. He is passionate about human angle stories to all social issues in Nigeria and Africa.