• Thu. Mar 20th, 2025


We Break the News

Sxx is a Fact of Life We Must Be Unapologetic About

By Oladotun Muyiwa Fadeyiye

The other day, someone DMed me saying “Bruv you seem to like sharing sxxual content a lot”. I smiled. And my response to the person was simple. “Sxx is a fact of life”. It is the real life issue that many of us have refused to accept it actually happens every minute and every second of our days. I mean, without it, none of us wouldn’t be here amongst the living in the first place! That’s how important Sxx is.

We are all products of sexual decisions of two people whom either in love or infatuated towards each other. Both of whom consensually agreed to bring forth another slice of life through their sexual encounters.

Based on this fact, s*x is and will always be an important part of the human life cycle yet we often handle it as if it’s non-existent. Some persons even act as though it is an abomination whenever sexual related topics are being mentioned. Yet the moment it gets dark they become “knackerdemus” in the “other room” simply because they assume no one is watching.

Nonetheless, I personally attribute these outlandish reactions from the people towards any sex related topic to social cultural beliefs and norms as well as over “religiousity” which have almost made “zombies” out of many of us. While only few smarter ones pretend to be religious yet remain deviant with their sexuality with utmost secrecy.

Do not get this wrong, staying sexually in tune with your being is never a crime. Even when you are unmarried! You just need to shun a promiscuous lifestyle as it would bring nothing but a troubled future full of regrets. Yes, promiscuity and lack of self control have been the undoings of many great destinies.

Many have lost their glorious destinies due to lack moral code for sex. They allowed their inordinate desire for sexual pleasure to control their thoughts process and learned the hard way. The Story of Samson in the Bible is one out of many.

Conversely, understanding the moral code for sex and being deliberately shying away from the fact that sex is a fact of life are two different things. The erroneous belief that only married men must have sex is another idea the society must deconstruct.

Yes, avoiding sex as an unmarried individual may be morally and scripturally right. However in reality, it may not be feasible.

Take for instance, a lady who has never met a serious suitor yet clocking 35 and moving close to 40, will she opt to remain a virgin till the right suitor shows up or break the hymen if the opportunity presents itself? That’s actually a tough question but my answer is the latter.

This is because our body produces certain sexual hormones and require sexual chemistry and activities to maintain a strong balance.


Oladotun Muyiwa is a Life Coach based in Abuja, Nigeria. He can be reached via roymedia23@gmail.com

By News Editor

Our News Editor, Muyiwa is an information management expert and Development Blogger with more than a decade experience in investigative reporting and journalism. He is passionate about human angle stories to all social issues in Nigeria and Africa.