• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


We Break the News

Joshua Makinde: Pioneering Innovation in the Global Tech Ecosystem!

In the bustling landscape of the tech industry, Joshua Makinde stands out as a beacon of innovation and leadership. As the co-founder of Capsule Business Technology, Joshua’s visionary approach has propelled the company to remarkable heights, earning it recognition and accolades both locally and internationally.

Capsule’s journey of success began with a significant milestone – winning the prestigious NITDA Innovation Startup Award in 2022. This accolade opened doors to a myriad of opportunities, including invitations to esteemed events such as AI for Good in Algeria and the Leap conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Capsule’s innovative solutions, tailored to empower small businesses, caught the attention of global audiences, leading to invitations to speak at prominent events like Jitex in Dubai.

At the helm of Capsule’s development is Joshua Makinde, whose leadership has been instrumental in shaping the company’s trajectory. With a keen focus on leveraging technology to streamline business operations, Capsule has revolutionized how small businesses manage their finances. From facilitating easy payment systems to connecting businesses with funders, Capsule’s impact reverberates across industries.

Joshua’s entrepreneurial journey extends beyond Capsule, as evidenced by his previous venture, MyRent. This pioneering real estate fintech solution addressed a common pain point in Nigeria’s rental market by enabling tenants to save monthly rent payments and pay annually. MyRent garnered over 4,576 subscribers, showcasing Joshua’s knack for creating solutions that resonate with users.

Prior to his entrepreneurial endeavors, Joshua’s commitment to leveraging technology for social good was evident in initiatives like the Nigerian Rebirth Project. This ambitious undertaking aimed to address nation-building challenges through technology, garnering recognition from dignitaries worldwide and earning Joshua an ambassadorial award.

Joshua Makinde’s impact transcends borders, as he continues to be a global leader in the tech ecosystem. His relentless pursuit of innovation, coupled with his dedication to empowering others, serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and industry professionals alike.

As we look towards the future of technology, JoshuaMakinde’s trailblazing spirit reminds us of the transformative power of innovation and leadership in shaping a better tomorrow.

By News Editor

Our News Editor, Muyiwa is an information management expert and Development Blogger with more than a decade experience in investigative reporting and journalism. He is passionate about human angle stories to all social issues in Nigeria and Africa.