• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024


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CSACEFA renews Commitment to Promote access to quality education for the marginalized!

Civil Society Action Coalition on Education For All (CSACEFA) has renewed commitment in promoting access to quality education for the marginalized children, girl children as well as disadvantaged children across the country.

The organization made this disclosure while briefing the media practitioners at a media chat in Abuja yesterday, an event organised by CSACEFA in appreciation of the media support received since inception.

Speaking at the media, Mr Nathaniel, Policy Advocacy Officer, CSACEFA, who also represented National Moderator of the Coalition, Aliyu Kabiru at the event said the media chat has become imperative for the coalition towards establishing synergy and partnerships for the implementation of the 3 projects at hand as this would enable the coalition reach out to the target audiences.

“Currently we are having three projects to implement: firstly, the coalition shall be promoting Access to Inclusive and Quality Education especially for the Girl Child and the Marginalized Children”

Pledging by the Media and donor agencies at the event

“Secondly, we shall be advocating for the Continued 12 Years Compulsory Learning for Girls.

“Thirdly, we shall be pushing to increase Community Voices to Curb Retail Corruption which has caused major setbacks in the education sector in Nigeria”

Nathaniel added that the coalition having enjoyed media support in the time past through presentation of the coalition’s projects objectively to the public necessitated the continuous partnership for the new projects.

“Over the years, the media support that you have provided us in our previous projects and presenting your reportage with objectivity prompted this synergy” he remarked.

Damian Mary, Community Engagement Officer, CSACEFA, while speaking at the Media Chat said there is still a lot to be done regarding the provision of quality education for the Nigerian Children particularly the girl children.

“Promoting access to inclusive and quality education for the marginalized girl children is a must in Nigeria as the percentage of out of school children keeps going higher every year”

“Currently about 80% of girl children in Nigeria are out of school due one reason or another”

“Through these 3 projects we hope to reach out to several marginalized communities including those places where infrastructure could not reach, which is why we need media to keep documenting the progress of these projects.” said Damian

Donor Agencies, Development Partners of CSACEFA such as McAuthur Foundation, PLAN, ActionAid amongst others all pledged their support for the projects.

The Representatives of several media houses in Nigeria who were in attendance Traditional media such as Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), AIT, ITV, TVC, FRCN and Print Media like Abuja Inquirer, New Telegraph, Daily Trust, NAN as well as Online news like dotunroy.com all pledged their support for the projects at the event.

By News Editor

Our News Editor, Muyiwa is an information management expert and Development Blogger with more than a decade experience in investigative reporting and journalism. He is passionate about human angle stories to all social issues in Nigeria and Africa.