• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


We Break the News

True Celebrity sets Good Example!!!

Dotun Roy

Being a celebrity has its huge responsibilities which we often ignore. Celebrity status automatically places one in a spotlight. You become a public figure, especially when you are an outgoing kind of celebrity who loves to make one statement or the other at top events or loves making special appearances at A-List events both at home and abroad. With such social life as a celebrity, it would get to a point that without your presence at popular outing, such show would not be complete. I mean every organiser would want you to grace their red carpets and that is another feather in your cap, if you ask you me, because it helps boost your Resume for more invitations and endorsements, no doubt. However, how are you using this celebrity status to influence the lives of ordinary people? (Your Fans) Is it positively or negatively?

This question is a big question that all celebrities across the world should sit down, ponder on and answer. We should sit down and take inventory of whether our lifestyles and way of life has impacted negatively or positively on the lives of those who look up to us as either role models or mentors.

Aside from creating one foundation or setting up an NGO to raise funds for the less privileged, orphans, widows and the disadvantaged in the society which is one of the ways most celebrities feel they could fulfil their social responsibilities and give back to the society. Well, there is nothing wrong in doing this, as a matter of fact giving is one of noblest things God loves. God loves a cheerful giver! However, after your giving, your noble projects and Foundation the next thing is your way of life. Does it portray a good or bad example? What kind of life are you leading? Do you go about wearing tacky outfits and claim you are the most fashionable celebrity ever? Do you go on social media, and make obscene comments like some celebrities love to brag about shooting sextape? Do you go to public places drink to stupor and go beserk over little thing? Apparently, some celebrities don’t care whose ox is gored, they think they can do whatever they like not minding that thousands of young minds see them as role models.

All these above questions and many more should be what we should ask one another. I was charged lately, seeing lots of incident that have been happening and I just wonder why. So many unmentionable things are being perpetrated by those we called mentors and then one would wonder if they actually worth being called mentors and role models. This is not intended to condemn any celebrity or anyone, it is just a wake-up call to everyone not only celebrities, it is because they live for the public that’s why we tend to discuss them.

We need to know that often times celebrity’s influence on their fans could be so strong to the point of obsession. They are cases where fan developed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)because he could not control his love and devotion for a particular celebrity. I have read a story of a boy who desired to look exactly like Micheal Jackson to the point of whitening his skin and even went under the knife. Another one did surgery to transform her looks to Kim Kardashian looks. Stories like that abound, but if only celebrities could see this and learn to set good example. I want remind us that being a true celebrity is a calling, you either use yours to ruin or inspire others. Think about that!

Nice weekend.

By News Editor

Our News Editor, Muyiwa is an information management expert and Development Blogger with more than a decade experience in investigative reporting and journalism. He is passionate about human angle stories to all social issues in Nigeria and Africa.

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